About This Content Ever wanted to rock out to "Miracle Juno" on the go or chill out to the smooth tones of "Vinegarden" at your leisure? Rather than leave the game open and lug your laptop or PC around, you can take the Zeran's Folly Soundtrack with you wherever you go!The soundtrack mp3s will be located in the Soundtrack folder inside the Zeran's Folly folder.Track listing:No. - Song Title - Duration1 - Riptide Rain - 1:062 - Lost Fairy - 0:323 - You Killed Joey - 0:514 - The Destroyer - 1:275 - Halden - 2:526 - Dead Man's Glade - 2:517 - Tomb of Kings - 2:208 - Big Green Busta - 1:149 - Boss Fight - 0:5910 - Trouble - 0:4811 - Lurking Horror - 1:2512 - Bloodcutter - 1:0713 - Bellycutter Hideout - 2:1214 - Gale's Bluff - 1:5215 - Aexolix - 2:2116 - The Manastery - 2:5717 - Miracle Hall - 2:0018 - Miracle Juno - 1:0319 - Mokumo'o - 2:2220 - Pukamake Grotto - 2:2121 - Da Kula Hula - 0:2922 - Frozen Over - 3:3523 - Mudbottom - 1:3124 - Tricklethorn Patch - 1:1925 - Dorfhole - 2:4226 - The Smiffy - 2:0127 - Vinegarden - 3:2528 - Garden Rush Intro - 0:2729 - Garden Rush - 1:3430 - A Life Wasted - 1:1731 - Memories - 2:2332 - The Forecastle - 1:2733 - Nightmare - 1:1134 - Halls of Confusion - 2:3535 - The Suite - 1:3036 - Gotta Be Bwave - 0:4737 - Terna Boss Intro - 0:1438 - Petal Pass - 1:3939 - Murmur Marsh - 2:1140 - Agony Valley - 1:1541 - Terna Jingle - 0:07Bonus tracks:Aegis StoneChaos StoneForgotten MemoriesGarden Rush (Greenlight Trailer Version)Monkey BusinessSolar City (Demo)Vs. Dimension Ripper 6d5b4406ea Title: Zeran's Folly SoundtrackGenre: Action, Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Myroid-Type ComicsPublisher:Myroid-Type ComicsFranchise:Zeran's FollyRelease Date: 5 Oct, 2017 Zeran's Folly Soundtrack Full Crack [serial Number]
Zeran's Folly Soundtrack Full Crack [serial Number]