About This Game QuestEvent is a Adventure RPG. You will have a world to explore, practice different Skills and doing Quests.The graphics of the game are Pokémon likely. But the Content is based on several huge MMORPG's.The game has the following features: 2D Game environment Content from huge MMORPG's No Subscription. Pay once and play! 4 different skills to train: Woodcutting, Fishing, Firemaking & Dungeoneering Several Quests spread over the whole World. Music and SoundEffects. And much more to come...Please check our other GreenLight Concept HERE a09c17d780 Title: QuestEventGenre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:FivangPublisher:FivangRelease Date: 24 Mar, 2015 QuestEvent Download For Pc crusader quest event. mapquest event. oculus quest event. hearthstone quest event. tavern quest event. fortnite quest event. quest event tanaka. quest event fotbal. quest events phoenix. quest event drape. meltan quest event. cosmos quest event. quest event monster hunter world. royal quest event. quest event network. skyrim quest event. quest event log. quest events manly. quest event dotd. kalonline quest event. quest event san francisco. quest events las vegas. quest events dallas. quest event swarm dotd. quest event meaning. quest events toronto. quest event idle heroes. quest event rentals. quest events. quest events orlando. duel quest event. adventure quest event. giants quest event. pokemon quest event. quest event craciun metin2. quest event mhw. monster quest event. beast quest event. career quest event. quest event wales. quest event ragnarok mobile great start for this game. its very early in the game's development, so not much content yet. the thing i hate about this game is the grammar. i would love to fix it. it kills me.. I seldom review games I've only played for an hour or less, because I do not feel I can judge a game solely on just that time. QuestEvent is a different story, as it is not only not longer than an hour, but I also managed to formulate an opinion on it. TL;DR it's an unfinished mess.Let me start right off that I've been playing Runescape for well over 10 years now. Why did I bring this up? Because QuestEvent has no shame in ripping off everything that mmo has to offer, just laughably bad. The content that we've seen so far is something I, an inexperienced game developer, could do in less than a day. There is ONE city, TWO quests which are laughable, and FIVE skills that serve absolutely no purpose.Want me to go in detail? Sure. In Runescape, certain trees and fishing spots are unlocked at specific levels so you are able to get resources from them. For example, you can cut Oak Trees at level 15, and Willow at level 30. Well, how about QuestEvent having that EXACT same levelling method, and not only for Woodcutting but all of the other skills as well? And to make matters even worse, the icons of the fish in the inventory AND the level-up sound are all directly stolen from Runescape.Want to go even further? Dungeoneering. A fun skill to do in Runescape since it's literally Roguelike dungeon crawling. Everytime you enter, you face the challenge of a different layout. How much dungeons does QuestEvent have? ONE! And it never changes either!I feel like I should complain about the city as well, and the stuff you can get there since there are no stronger monsters to defeat than the one found in Dungeoneering, but I think you get the point I wanted to get across. QuestEvent is an unfinished, soulless game that has been put together in a few hours, and put unto Steam to rob you of your precious money. Yes, this 'game' is not even worth the 3 dollar pricetag.I wrote this review because I get what QuestEvent was going for, and really, I'd love to see a single-player game based on Runescape. But this is not the way to go. Get this off Steam, put in far more effort, and until that time happens, we will not meet again.. This is rubbish. two simple quests and then nothing to do except cut down trees and fish ???????. So far - it's crap.The developer cancelled twice now - irresponsible, at best.Graphics are 8-bit era - which would be okay if their was a good story - which there isn't.So now it's allegedly a 'finished' game - bit only recently reaching version 0.7 or so.If you're interested in this kind of garbage, save your money and buy it if the price drops to $0.10 .I would love it if I felt the developer had any direction in mind, which I don't think there is.But, deep down inside, I really would like to see some substantial work, not just tiny updates every three to six months.My recommendation ? Put it on your wishlist until it's fully developed.. I don't get it.. Update 9\/9\/2015Thanks to @Anonymous2012 for commenting and bringing to my attention that this game is being canceled to start a new project.Seriously.Also, it seems that Fivang was allowed to remove the game from early access and it's now listed as a finished product? Steam really needs to get their\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665together. The fact that this "developer" has backed off this project now twice, thinks they will go onto a new project, and is saying this is a finished project is beyond comprehension. Fivang should be blacklisted from Steam. This is a joke.Update:So I went back to check in on Quest Event again since the vocal minority decided to question this review.Let me preface this by saying, at the time of the Original Review there was no gameplay. A developer that abandoned the project 2 years before hitting steam. And is now adding content. So with that said, I stand by my original review. This game is still way to early in any shape or form of development to be on Steam or the Early Access program. Adding an additional zone and implementing skills that seem to have no point (Woodcutting, Firemaking?) then using them as a means to start a new quest makes no sense.The developer removed the original highly offensive One Hour timer to start the Bandit Quest 2 and replaced it with an equally impossible challenge. Get firemaking to level 15. Now I lit every fire I could find and was level 5. I'm assuming that these fires will go out eventually. However, I don't plan to find out. This is still a joke and should be free. If the developer actually wanted to make a game via Early Access then they should do that without charging. *******************************************************************************************************************First, Don't purchase this game. Read this review then continue to not purchase it.So I purchased this piece of garbage yesterday on steam. Quest Event is an RPGmaker "game" with no original assets and a funny story to go along with it.I tend not to look into the games to deeply before hand, considering I want to review them without any real background of it. I generally don't play RPGmaker games but considering only one other game had come out which unfortunately is local multiplayer, I opted to check out this one to do a new review. After installing the game it didn't launch. Couldn't find an executable. Awesome start. So I check the forums to find someone had already broken down the back story of this "game".They had gone to the website and found the game was said to have been canceled in 2013...They also found that there hadn't been an update on the greenlight page or their website since the same time. Now, fast forward to this morning.I log into steam to check out if the developer had mentioned anything. Nope.Instead, he had deleted all the negative comments and questions. Then someone posted them again and they were then moved to the "other" page. The developer did respond saying that "Since it was greenlit they decided to charge 4.99 then 14.99 on release." Now this is a game that hasn't been looked at since 2013. How do I know? Because the developer also announced that he uploaded the new game files so the game would work. OH JOY! So I just got done checking it out. This build of the game is the exact same build that was added to the greenlight page almost 18 months ago. Cool story, so you're charging for something that is dead. Neat, thanks for that Steam.Now the best part is. I played it. It's a short tutorial. A couple quests and shops. Then you get to a woman and she says to come back in an hour. ITS A LITERAL HOUR! A timer shows up at the top of the screen, counting down, in real time...Seriously, an actual hour. I think that sums it up.Don't buy this. Tell your friends not to but this. Don't buy whatever next game they think they're going to make.https:\/\/youtu.be\/X1HhLykWWWwFor more Reviews check out http:\/\/www.EarlyAccessMedia.com, http:\/\/www.EarlyAccessPodcast.com and http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/EarlyAccessPodcast. Edit: Another skill (cooking), different sorts of "fish" for your fishing skill and a shop for them were added. It also seems like the wood cutting skill for the Bandits Quest was changed to the fire making skill (When did that happen? Maybe I got it wrong when I wrote my review. ). As those things don't add to the story progress in any way (Yes, I played it again.), I won't change my review as such. So only small changes according to the updates were done.Pros:- Very nice, catchy and appropriate music.- Good idea with the wood cutting, fire making, fishing and cooking skill.- Endless supply to actually level your four skills (Trees and fish spawn again after a short while.).- Nice character art\/design.Cons:- Way too short!- Only one dungeon available.- A total of four quests.- Quite a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes.- No Steam Achievements.I really liked the idea and concept of the game that you can level four skills which - for a change - don't have anything to do with killing monsters. Unfortunately, the game development got cancelled in favor of a new project and that leaves a rather bad impression as this game is in no way a finished product.You can finish this game within 20 to 30 minutes exploring everything and considering you have to grind the fire making skill to level 15 (wood cutting before, I think), so in my opinion it's not really worth the money it costs. Of course, the music is really nicely done and catchy, the few characters look quite nice as well and nobody is stopping you from grinding all your skills (four in total) to the highest level (apparently level 99). However, to be honest, I got rather bored with that after a while and I won't continue to play the game just to level my skills higher.Overall, the game had a lot of potential to be a fun and entertaining experience to enjoy but it got cut short because of the cancellation. Otherwise I would have given it a positive review as it belongs to the sort of games I really like to play and I can easily overlook the spelling and grammar mistakes as English isn't my native language either.People who would buy a game soundtrack could enjoy the game just for that but it's nothing for an avid RPG player, except if you are really bored and have money to spend.. This is rubbish. two simple quests and then nothing to do except cut down trees and fish ???????. it's a good game, small bugs and it needs more of a story but still good and fun to pass a few hours but I'm stuck at the part with the bandits and you have to place a tent, I don't really understand what do. it's a good game, small bugs and it needs more of a story but still good and fun to pass a few hours but I'm stuck at the part with the bandits and you have to place a tent, I don't really understand what do
QuestEvent Download For Pc